Gynecomastia is an extremely common condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, between 70-90% of all men will experience some form of gynecomastia during their lifetime. The condition, presenting as an excess of glandular or adipose tissue along the breast, can cause high levels of distress and a loss of self-confidence. While the physical appearance of large male breasts may look the same at any age, they type of gynecomastia can vary, as well as the recommended treatment.
Babies: Due to the transfer of maternal estrogen, up to 90% of newborn boys will present with a degree of palpable breast tissue. Newborn gynecomastia will generally resolve on its own in a month or two, without any lasting issues. However, if a baby’s excess breast tissue lingers past their first birthday, it is recommended they be examined by a medical professional.
Adolescents and Teens: As with newborns, adolescents and teens often experience physiologic gynecomastia, resulting from an imbalance between the male and female hormones. Puberty can cause higher than normal estrogen levels, causing a temporary increase in the breast’s glandular tissue. Between 50% and 60% of adolescent boys will experience this type of gynecomastia. Most of the time, the excess glandular tissue will naturally decrease once the testosterone levels even out. If gynecomastia persists for longer than a year or two, advice from a physician may be warranted.
Adults: Gynecomastia is extremely common in the adult male, with almost 65% of men noting some excessive breast tissue. The cause of gynecomastia in this age range can be very different from that seen in children or teens. Illness, such as a thyroid condition or liver dysfunction, can trigger breast growth. Gynecomastia is a side-effect of excessive alcohol consumption, marijuana use, and performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. Additionally, commonly prescribed medications also cause breast tissue to expand, such as certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and cardiovascular drugs. A medical examination is extremely important at this stage to determine the cause of gynecomastia.
Middle Age to Seniors: Men over the age of 50 can see their levels of free testosterone begin to decrease, resulting in the peak of adult gynecomastia cases. Aside from the fluctuation in hormone levels seen at this stage, illness and medication-related gynecomastia is still common. Up to 70% of men between the ages of 50 and 80 will experience enlarged male breasts. With the help of a doctor, the root cause can be determined, and all possible options for correction explained.
Once the cause of gynecomastia has been determined, the best course of action can be mapped out. For many men, the issue will resolve on its own. If medication is the cause, with the help of a physician, changes can be made that reduce the enlarged breast tissue. Excessive breast tissue that will not go away on its own can result in a serious blow to the self-esteem. Luckily, in many cases, gynecomastia can be treated with a male breast reduction.
If you, your son, husband, or father is struggling with enlarged male breasts, make a gynecomastia consultation at Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery by calling (281) 668-7370. For more than 30 years, Dr. Paul Vitenas has been the cosmetic surgeon of choice for men looking to regain a flat, contoured chest. There is no need to hide behind baggy t-shirts any longer. Contact Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery for more information on how a male breast reduction can put an end to gynecomastia.