Over the last several decades, ‘man boobs’ have become a common joke on television, first getting a laugh on Seinfeld. However, for those men struggling with large, protruding breasts, the struggle with gynecomastia is not funny. If anything, it is nothing short of overwhelming.
Armed with the facts about enlarged male breasts, men can come to understand just how common gynecomastia is and who is a candidate for treatment. Modern surgical techniques mean restoring a flat, masculine chest is an achievable option for many. To answer your initial questions, Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery has a fast five facts about gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia Fact #1
Gynecomastia is a common condition, experienced by 45% of all men. The highest incidence is seen in groups experiencing age related hormonal changes. For example, up to 70% of men in the 55-80 year old range will see the development of excess breast tissue.
Gynecomastia Fact #2
While being overweight can result in excess breast tissue, it only a small factor. True gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance, illness, genetics, and medication side-effects.
Gynecomastia Fact #3
Excess breast tissue can be a side-effect of prescription medications, such as those for heart issues, mood disorders, and prostate cancer. Additionally, other drugs, like marijuana and anabolic steroids, are notorious causes of gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia Fact #4
In some cases, gynecomastia can be caused by a genetic condition. Although less common, issues like Klinefelter’s Syndrome, a genetic chromosomal disorder, can cause excessive breast growth.
Gynecomastia Fact #5
Not every case of gynecomastia will require surgical intervention. If the hormonal levels return to normal, such as when passing through puberty, the breasts may return to normal. However, after one to two years, if there is no improvement in the excessive breast tissue, surgery may be the only option for restoring a flat, smooth cheat.
If you or someone you know is struggling with gynecomastia, and are considering correction, remember to only put your trust in a board certified plastic surgeon. While gynecomastia correction can be both safe and effective, only an experienced surgeon can ensure the desired results.
Dr. Paul Vitenas is one of the country’s leading gynecomastia experts, bringing 30 years of experience to every male breast reduction procedure. More information on the technique can be found at Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery. Ready to take the next step? Call Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery to 281.668.7370 to schedule a confidential consultation with Dr. Vitenas.