Gynecomastia, or large male breasts, is an extremely common condition. Luckily, with today’s cutting-edge technology, gynecomastia can be easily addressed. A smooth, masculine chest can be achieved immediately through a male breast reduction. If you are suffering with large male breasts, there is no better way to ring in 2017 than by making the choice for a new you with gynecomastia correction.
Suffering with enlarged breasts? You are not alone. Take a look at the current gynecomastia statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery:
- 60-90% of all newborns have gynecomastia, although these breast buds normally resolve by 6 months.
- 50% of boys will temporarily experience gynecomastia during puberty.
- Up to 60% of men will develop excessive breast tissue after the age of 50.
- In 2015, more than 30,000 gynecomastia correction procedures were performed.
Many Causes; Simple Corrections
A variety of issues can cause Gynecomastia, most commonly hormonal changes. Weight fluctuations, illness, certain medications, and drug use are also known to cause excess breast tissue to appear. In many cases, breast growth resolves on its own. As hormone levels even out, medications are changed, or the illness retreats, the breasts will return to their normal appearance.
However, in cases where gynecomastia does not resolve after a year, medical intervention may be necessary to restore a flat chest. For those men with excess fatty (adipose) tissue, liposuction can successfully eliminate unwanted breast tissue. Other cases, where a large amount of glandular tissue is present, surgical excision may be required. A combination of liposuction and excision can also be used for optimal results.
How do you know if gynecomastia correction is needed?
The decision to seek assistance for gynecomastia is a personal one. Start by asking yourself the following questions:
- Are you concerned that your breasts protrude or look more feminine?
- Have you recently gone through hormonal changes, such as puberty or hitting ‘middle age’?
- Have you experienced weight fluctuations that have changed your breast size?
- Are enlarged breasts a side-effect of a medication you are taking?
- Do you feel like your breasts are affecting your quality of life?
If you said yes to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself to get a professional opinion to determine the cause of your gynecomastia, and the best method for correction. Schedule a consultation with an experienced male breast reduction surgeon. At this time, the doctor can review your medical history and perform a physical examination. Together, you and your cosmetic surgeon can decide if the time is right for a gynecomastia correction procedure.
Make a Male Breast Reduction Your Top New Year’s Resolution
Make a promise to yourself that 2016 is the last year you will live with enlarged male breasts. If you are in the Houston area, and are considering your male breast reduction options, contact the city’s number one gynecomastia surgeon, Dr. Paul Vitenas. With more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Vitenas can evaluate your unique situation and explain your treatment options. Contact Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery at 281.668.7370 with any questions or concerns, or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Vitenas.