Summer wedding season will soon be here. While the ladies are busy with last minute dress fittings and makeovers, men are tending to their own appearance, as well. For those suffering silently with excessive breast tissue – a male breast reduction may be a welcome part of the pre-wedding planning.
What is a Male Breast Reduction?
Gynecomastia is a common condition causing enlarged male breasts. There are multiple reasons that men suffer from unwanted breast tissue, including hormonal fluctuations, medication side-effects, and illness. For some men, gynecomastia is temporary, going away on its own after several months or years. However, other men can find that their large, puffy breasts do not retreat over time.
A male breast reduction is an outpatient surgical procedure, performed to eliminate the excess fatty or glandular tissue that develops along the chest. The specific technique used will depend on the type of tissue present: fatty tissue can be addressed with liposuction, while glandular tissue will need surgical excision. Many men find that a combination of liposuction and excision provides the best overall results.
Why get a male breast reduction before the wedding?
The bottom line is that everyone wants to look their best for their wedding. Men are no different from women in this regard. Whether the groom will be in a tux or in a laid back, Hawaiian shirt, having a smooth, masculine chest can provide added confidence in his appearance. While the wedding is a monumental day, men cannot forget the importance of going shirtless on their wedding night, as well.
A male breast reduction will restore a tighter, flatter chest and reshape stretched, large areola/nipples. This means no more relying on thick undershirts or baggy clothing to hide unattractive breasts. With gynecomastia correction, men can feel just as assured when taking off their suit coat for the reception as they do removing their t-shirt to jump in their honeymoon suite’s pool.
What do you need to know about pre-wedding gynecomastia surgery?
The male breast reduction can make a huge impact on a groom’s self-esteem. However there are a few important details that need to be understood before scheduling the procedure.
A male breast reduction will take from one to two hours, performed at an accredited surgical center, under general anesthesia. While patients are back home the same afternoon, they will be tired and sore for several days. The overall recovery from a male breast reduction will generally take from one to two weeks. This time frame depends on several factors, including the technique used and the patient’s individual body. Work can generally be resumed in a week or less.
Although the recovery from a male breast reduction means only mild to moderate discomfort, the operating surgeon will provide prescription pain medication for the first several days. For the first few weeks, the patient will also need wear a compression garment under their clothing at all time. This is important to help reduce swelling and promote proper healing.
Men should consider putting at least a week between between their breast reduction and being part of someone else’s wedding, ensuring maximum comfort. Even though a surgical garment may still need to be in place under their attire, after five to seven days, men should be able to enjoy their friend’s festivities feeling like their old self.
The groom himself should schedule his male breast reduction at least a month before the ‘big day’. This means swelling, bruising, and much of the discomfort will have dissipated. There will also no longer be a need for the compression garment. As long as the incisions have healed as expected, the chest will look great, with or without a shirt.
Wedding in your future? Reach out to Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery.
Are you going to be in a summer wedding, but are uncomfortable with the appearance of large male breasts? Talk to someone who understands gynecomastia, with close to 30 years of male breast reduction experience. Over the last three decades, Houston’s Dr. Paul Vitenas has developed his own safe and dependable surgical techniques to put an end to gynecomastia. Through a confidential consultation, let Dr. Vitenas explain the benefits of including a male breast reduction in your wedding plans. Call Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery at 281.668.7370 or fill out the online Contact Us form to get more information.