The legalization of Marijuana in Colorado has sparked a great debate across the United States. Arguments over health and safety issues are the primary focus, but interestingly enough, there is one fact that rarely pops up in these conversations. Pot has been shown to be a potential cause of Gynecomastia, or large male breasts. While this does not happen across the board, there is a group of men who will suffer from weed-related Gynecomastia; most rarely make the connection between marijuana and their male breasts.
Since the first study showing a connection between marijuana and male breasts in 1972, countless fesearch ventures have reportedly been able to show the link, as well. The studies reason that smoking pot can lower a man’s testosterone levels for up to 24 hours. When the male sex hormones are reduced, female physical attributes may occur. There is no definitive word on marijuana man-boobs; some physicians and researchers say the connection is too weak to quantify. Others, like Robert X. Murphy, President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons agree with the prevailing opinion that pot has the potential to spark breast growth in men.
Some men are more susceptible to Gynecomastia than others; this is due to their genetic makeup and physical build. About 50% of all men will experience some enlargement of their breasts over their lifetime. Teenage boys and men over 55 are the most at risk, as during this time a natural shift in their sex hormones is seen.
Medications can play a heavy role in Gynecomastia. Over 90 drugs have been linked to male breast growth, including antidepressants, antibiotics, HIV medications, and heart medications. Men who are over weight, who use anabolic steroids, or take Propecia (to prevent hair loss) also have a higher chance for physical changes. Since most people are exposed to more than one risk factor at a time, the exact cause of Gynecomastia may be hard to identify, but is important that patients seek a medical opinion to rule out a serious health issue.
If you notice an increase in breast tissue, get in touch with your physician. They can help you determine the root cause, and provide suggestions on how to remedy the situation. If the enlarged tissue will not recede on its own, call Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery at 713.574.4934 to find out if a male breast reduction procedure will be right for you.